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Tomiris, the movie

 Here the Italian version

This weekend  I watched,  Tomiris,  Warrior Princess a historical Kazakh movie!

Well, yes, even the Kazakhs are filming historical movies and, perhaps it will surprise you, it’s a fine movie.

The film deals with the story of Tomiris the queen of the Messagete a nomadic people who dominated the steppes of present-day Kazakhstan in the distant sixth century BC.

I will not talk about fidelity to the "real" facts, the film is freely inspired by the Stories of Herodotus that are famous because they were themselves very freely inspired to reality ... so maybe there is something true at the bottom, but difficult to say.

Surely, it would be possible to contest a lot of details and an expert would probably confirm my suspicion, that the composite arches that appear in the movie are of a much later type, but let's leave it alone and for this time and let's enjoy the story, at least, and it is already a lot, you do not see stirrups in the shooting on horseback and the tactics of war employed by our Tomiris are realistic and plausible (such as faking the retreat of the light cavalry to lure enemies in pursuit and ambush them).

Neither the characters nor the dialogues have are from Shakespeare, but for a pure adventure film they are more than fine. Also some fight scenes are really too choreographed with jumps, turns and double swords, but to partial redemption the director himself seems to realize how excessive they are and in a scene of delicious black humor pushes on the accelerator of exaggeration, showing our protagonist, in the thick of the melee, flirting with a bold young man who follows her step by step killing people, boasting of his strength  and trying to make, at the same time, witty jokes, to get noticed and trying to impress her. He succeeds and after a peculiarly truculent killing he proposes himself and she accepts him, and love triumphs between a quartering and a beheading. Love wins also in the steppes of Central Asia.

To appreciate the total lack of political correctness, Kazakhstan is far from Hollywood, for once there are not  characters of color scattered around without logic and historical common sense and above all the filmic Tomiris is not ashamed to be what she was historically: when its opponents claim that living in peace and trading could yield more, she proudly claims that her people have always lived on robbery, looting and raids, that this is what makes them valiant and does not see the reason to change.

The only concession to a possible modern sensibility, to understand fully what we are talking about, is a slightly thoughtful look as she watches a child crying desperately next to the corpses of his parents in an enemy village just set on fire.

Well, in one scene she also opposes human sacrifices, but for reasons that would not please a supporter of social justice: men can fight and women must be spared because their wombs can generate many warriors, her own words. Warrior Queen, but traditionalist.

The film, however, has raised some interesting international controversies, linked precisely to the ethnicity of the actors. The  film is Kazakh, aimed to a Kazakh audiences with Kazakh actors, but as the Iranian government rightly protested, Tomiris and her Messageti were an Indo-European people who spoke an Iranian language, certainly not Turks like Kazakhs. Controversy that reminds us how important is history, or  its distortion, in the conception of national identities.

Last note to underline is that it is a film about a female character, strong and independent, developed in a islamic country! According to several observers  the film is part of a broader strategy of the strongman of Kazakhstan  Nūrsūltan Äbışūly Nazarbaev, to prepare the succession to power of his daughter Dariga, showing to the beloved Kazakh people (who in the last elections elected him, very freely, with a net 97.5% of the votes)   that women can make strong and capable rulers. Good luck to the Kazakhs.

The film, if I have interested you with these lines, it’s on Prime Video.

If you want to know more about the nomadic peoples of Central Asia I recommend the fantastic Osprey Elite  120  Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600 BC–AD 1300  by  Antony Karasulas and with the fantastic illustrations by  Angus McBride.

To deepen the historical influence of the myth of the steppe peoples I send you to the series of articles by  Bret Devereaux,"Fremen  Mirage", do not miss them,  you can find them on his blog 


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